Final Product:

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Unit 10 consisted of creating an educational project for primary school children. The aim was to create a resource that was enjoyable yet informative for a young audience.

To begin I started my research. Firstly I created a mood board and spider diagram exploring different possible ideas.

Unit 10 – Week One (Celia) This blog post explores my mind map and highlights the different ideas I brainstormed at the start of the unit. This brainstorming session was helpful because it allowed me to explore different possible formats and compare and contrast them in order to select the best option. I used a website called coggle in order to produce this mind map – it is a useful programme that I will continue to use throughout all my other units. Usually, I wouldn’t think to produce a mind map however this unit has taught me how useful they are – I was able to neatly keep all my ideas in one place that was easy to look back on and access.

My mood board was created to allow me to explore my target audience and what they liked. This also opened up the subject of colour schemes and typography allowing me to see what the professional pieces were using to connect with a younger audience. My mood board is available in this blog post – Week Three – Celia

As explained in my blog post I created two separate mood boards. I did this because as I began researching I realised that a younger audience was almost split into two sections. The ages of 5-7 consisted of more cartoons and brighter colours whereas the age range of 9-10 was made up of more one toned colour palette that was not as bright and bold and real actors were being used rather than cartoons. Overall, I think my mood boards went well I was able to gain knowledge on different age ranges and apply this knowledge to my own ideas in order to create a product that met the criterias of my age range. However I do wish I had produced a mood board from the ages of 7-9 as I jumped passed these ages and I feel that if I had also looked deeper into this demographic I could have potentially gained a deeper insight into the young audiences mind and possibly have created a better product, this is definitely something that I will keep in mind in the future.

I then went on to produce a power point on children’s resources alongside two of my classmates. This was helpful because it allowed me to again gain more knowledge on the demographics I would be using in my project. My power point is available at: Unit 10 – Research

I then had a typography lecture with Celia – this helped me to gain knowledge in what fonts and sizes work well together and how to make something stand out well.  This is available at

After completing this research I then went on to decide on my age range and main product idea.

I wasn’t sure what to produce for this project from the offset – to begin I was aiming to create an informative book on animals; almost like an encyclopedia but early into researching this product I changed my mind and decided to instead produce a 20 card top trump game. My blog post –  Changing my Idea – Celia explores this further and explains why I decided to change my idea.

After deciding upon my idea I then went on to research in more depth my topic and age demographic. This is available on my Unit 10: Research – Celia

Overall, I think my research went well, I explored a variety of demographics and gained knowledge on how to adapt a product to accommodate a younger demographics wants. In the future, I will aim to create a survey monkey in order to gain more details about my demographic and therefore be able to improve my final product.

This research is available at: Unit 10: Research – Celia.


After completing my research I was now ready to move onto the production of my product.

The first step was to draw up some draft designs and calculate the dimensions of my cards for the game.

I think the design process went relatively well however in the future I think it would be beneficial to produce more than one draft sketch in order to be able to compare and contrast different ideas and designs – I think if I were to do this in future production I think it would allow me to develop a better layout and design for my cards.

My next job was to choose the animals and habitats for my game. Along with the ratings for each section of the cards. Initially, I found this difficult because I didn’t know how to rate the animals at first but after researching the animals and how top trumps  work I began to find this easier. In the future, I think I need to work on ensuring that my ratings and facts are slightly more precise – I found it difficult to gain accurate information because every website stated different facts about each animal. I would solve this in future production scenarios by trying to find one website that includes all of the animals and has a clear and concise layout that is easy to navigate in order to find all the information in one place. More information on this is available at: The animals – Celia

Next, I went on to develop my colour schemes using adobe colour. This was useful because it meant I could transfer my colour palette straight into In Design when I created my cards. More information on this is available at: Colour Schemes – Celia

Following collecting these details, I then went on to develop the cards on Indesign. I did this by combining a variety of skills I had picked up in sessions with Celia for different adobe programmes – Creating a flower in Illustrator – Celia & Creating a drop shadow in Photoshop (Celia) as well as other skills from last year. I found it much easier to navigate around In Design this time around and I enjoyed developing my cards. In the future, I plan to develop my InDesign skills further in order to create products of a more professional standard.

Final Product Evaluation

Now that I have completed the product, I am overall quite pleased with the results. I think the cards turned out better than I first expected they would. However, as explained before I am not entierly happy with the content of the cards – I feel like my information could have been more precise and in the future this is something I aim to improve upon.

In conclusion I feel my product meets all the necessary criteria:

“Understand the audience for a chosen creative media production activity”. This criteria is ticked as I conducted a lot of research at the beginning of the project and looked into the specific Typography they’re drawn to as well as investigating the best ways of educating them.

“Be able to plan and implement a creative media production activity for an identified audience.” I successfully came up with my own unique idea and planned and created it independently as well as selecting appropriate media for my target audience.

“Be able to use evaluation in support of creative media production for an identified audience”. This final objective has been fulfilled as I have critically evaluated every stage of this process and have reflected upon what I have learnt through my blog posts.

I am proud of the product I have created and am excited to see the skills I can build further in Indesign and so on.

I am also planning to create a hard copy of the cards and ask some family members to play a game with them and give me some feedback. This will be detailed in another blog post.