Consumerism is the promotion of interests to the consumer. When the new big style hits, consumerism is responsible for wether it peaks or falls – wether this interest is a physical product or a lifestyle.

Since veganuary began at the start of 2018 over 100,00 people have committed to the new lifestyle – but do they really know what they are signing up to or are they just following the next big fashion trend?

Plant based diets are on the rise. As consumers gain more insight into the horrors of factory farming and how the production of meat is destroying our planet, many people are turning away from animal produce and opting for an all green diet instead in order to protect their planet.

Consumer behavior has developed significantly over the years and now as the media continues to grow – consumerism is the reason trends such as veganuary can so quickly take the world by storm.

The growth of social media has allowed platforms to constantly be promoting their brands meaning that the consumer is constantly surrounded by upcoming trends and styles. Everywhere a consumer looks they are observing advertisements without even realising it – this constant promotion means the current trend or style becomes part of everything they do therefore it is inevitable that they want to give it a go by either buying a product or attempting what is being advertised whether that is a sport or lifestyle.

Consumer behavior is physiological; the need to have something that others have surrounds the basis of it all. When the consumer sees something being promoted by a famous figure they subconsciously tell themselves that if they follow what the celebrity is doing they will inherit one of their traits; fulfilling their need to be more like the celebrity.  Steve Olenski, contributor at CMO claims “People idolize celebrities, so when famous people are seen in advertisements promoting a new product, audiences are prompted to buy that product, either subliminally or directly” this agrees with the idea that consumerism is responsible for the growth of a trend.