
This is my own version of an Elle cover. I created the cover using Photoshop CS6. In my version, I changed the cover star image and also changed the article titles on the cover. Overall the only part of my magazine cover that resembled the original cover was the title. I am pleased with my attempt at creating an Elle cover. I think my cover photo is effective and eye- catching and I also like the text I used on the cover however I think in order to improve my cover I need to format my text in better positions on the cover. I also think I come up with better article headings and text for my cover given more time to brainstorm.





This is the original version of Elle that I used as a template for my cover. I liked this cover because I think it is bright and colourful which makes it look interesting and fun! Overall I prefer this cover to my cover because I think it looks more professional however given more time and experience working with Photoshop I believe I can get my covers to meet the same professionalism as this one. I loved the cover photo on this cover; I think the variation of bold and bright colours compliment each other to create a very impressive cover.



Cover photo- Fashion magazine (2015) Available at:http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=ahsley+benson+photoshoot+fashion&view=detailv2&&id=43A65E89B0643801012134104392995B42960F2&selectedIndex=7&ccid=K%2bA3mNuq&simid=608030953585314967&thid=OIP.M2be03798dbaad07b5933f471d105e358o2&ajaxhis

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Elle professional cover: Elle magazine (2016) Available at: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=elle+march+2016&view=detailv2&adlt=strict&id=232725CDFF8F534E9310F0



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